Bromsgove School

Bromsgrove schoolBromsgrove school

Customer: Bromsgrove School

Location: Worcestershire

Requirement: To install HD CCTV cameras to upgrade the school’s security provision and allow its security team to make full use of modern technological advances.  Providing state-of-the-art crime prevention measures as part of the construction of a new dining hall.

Solution: 10 Mobotix M15 cameras; 10 Raytec Vario i4 Infra-red Emitters

Services: Design, installation, re-configuration and ongoing support and maintenance

Customer’s View: “The cameras are prominently sited in sensible locations and are already deterring crime. We have commissioned Ecl-ips to upgrade our entire system to bring it up to the same standard and we would definitely recommend their services.” Martin Jenkins, Head of Security and Events, Bromsgrove School

HD CCTV cameras have made school much less vulnerable to crime

Bromsgrove School is a co-educational, independent school in Worcestershire. Founded in 1553 the school accepts pupils from all over the world and aims to provide an enlightened, disciplined and broad education that produces happy, moral and creative citizens.

The school had existing CCTV cameras installed, but the system was ageing and Martin Jenkins, the school’s Head of Security and Events, was aware that it was not being used to its full potential. He says, “I knew there were more tools to assist us these days and we needed to reconfigure the system to take advantage of them.”

Martin heard about Ecl-ips following a recommendation from a fellow public school that had used the company’s services. “They came very highly recommended,” he says, “And I was pleased to find they were local to us in Worcestershire.”

Ecl-ips was invited to visit the school to discuss the project with Martin and tender for the work to upgrade the cameras in one area of the school. Martin was very impressed with what Ecl-ips had to say. “We invited one other company in, but it was clear that Ecl-ips was the best choice. Their knowledge of the industry quickly became apparent, which was very reassuring. They were also prepared to undertake a complimentary audit of our needs so they could determine the best solution for us. This is something I know other companies would struggle to do.”

Following the complimentary audit of the school’s requirements in general and the area where the work was being commissioned in particular, Ecl-ips recommended the installation of six Mobotix M15 cameras and six Raytec Vario i4 infra-red emitters. The Mobotix cameras would enable Bromsgrove School to take advantage of the flexibility of a modular system from a leading pioneer in network camera technology while the infra-red emitters would allow the cameras to see clear images 24 hours a day, even in the darkest areas.

“Ecl-ips appointed a project manager who oversaw the entire process and liaised with me and the main contractor on the dining hall project throughout. The whole team was very professional, smart, tidy and respectful and they were a pleasure to have on site.
“They are a very nice company to deal with and I would happily recommend them.”

While the cameras needed to be very prominent to provide a clear visual deterrent, the rest of the system needed to be unobtrusive so it didn’t mar the appearance of the school’s heritage buildings. Particular care was therefore required with the cabling and it was run through the loft space to create a seamless installation.When it came to the installation, the first stage of the process was to install a single camera to monitor the entrance and the compound area where the contractors were carrying out building work. This not only secured the entrances but also monitored equipment left on site out of hours. This first camera had an in-built SD card to store the images that were captured because there was no network or storage elsewhere in the building. Once the rest of the network had been installed, the camera was incorporated into the system and data is automatically transferred to the central data storage system.

The upgrading of CCTV coverage was just the first phase of the work required. The school had also just started work on the construction of a new dining hall and CCTV was required to monitor several key areas: the main entrance, the staff entrance, the delivery area and the car park. Having seen Ecl-ips at work on the CCTV upgrade, Martin was happy to commission the company to undertake this work too.

Working with the project’s main contractor, Ecl-ips installed four Mobotix M15 and four Raytec Vario i4 infra-red emitters that would give the school the crime prevention measures it needed.

For Martin, the installation process on both phases went smoothly. The cameras have been installed for several months now and Martin is clear that they are helping the school to reduce crime. “The cameras are prominently sited in sensible locations and are deterring crime.” And while Ecl-ips is providing a technical support service, Martin hasn’t had to call on it yet, something he attributes to a good configuration process in the first place.

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