HKC Security: Improved app for its intruder alarms

Ecl-ips offers the HKC app as part of its intruder alarm solutions

HKC Secure Comm app intruder AlarmHKC Secure Comm app intruder Alarm

We are excited to offer the new-improved HKC Securecomm2 app, which comes free when you have a HKC Security intruder alarm system installed.

More features and improved useability

This app builds on the existing useful features available previously such as the ability to set and unset the alarm system and receive notifications of when alarms are activated by offering users a new design layout and improved user experience.

The biometric login option now available means users can set up Fingerprint or Face ID so there’s no need to enter their user code every time they wish to log in to the app. There are also improved search options which make it easier to find the site you’re looking for which is very useful for users with multiple sites within the app.

Additionally, the app can retain a more extensive log history. This means up to 100 log events are available within the app and users can now filter these events by date, set/unset or alarm event.

Easy to install the new app and import information

If you already have the older HKC app it is easy to import your site details across to the new app as our video shows.

Once you’ve imported these across you can delete the existing HKC app and use the new app to remotely access your HKC security system.

To import the information, you must make sure you have updated the existing HKC app to the latest version on your phone. You can check the App store or Google Play to see if an update is available. Once you have done this you can then download the new HKC app on to your device from the App store or Google Play.

When you first open up the new app you will see a pop-up which will indicate that it has detected the existing HKC app and ask you if you want to import the existing site information across. At this point users just need to click the “Import” button. It will then take a few seconds for your sites to be imported across. Once your site details have been migrated across you can log in to your site as normal.

When we install a new HKC intruder alarm system we will ensure customers are all set up to manage their sites via the new-improved app and show them how to install and use the app.

Ecl-ips: Designing bespoke intruder alarm systems

We can use the advanced intruder alarm solutions from HKC Security to design a system that will meet the needs of commercial and residential users. The HKC gives all users extra control over their intruder alarm system and gives them added peace of mind if they are away from their property.

Additionally, we can provide a wider range of security and monitoring solutions due to our experience with CCTV and access control which can be integrated with the intruder alarms.

If you want to know more about the range of intruder alarm products we can offer or the wider selection of security solutions we can provide then please get in touch.