More vaping could cause vape detection need

vape detection need in work placesvape detection need in work places

Vape detection within public places and work places may become more necessary. This is in the light of vaping becoming increasingly common with the proportion of adults who vape reaching 11%, the highest rate ever, equal to 5.6 million adults in Great Britain, according to the latest figures from health charity Action on Smoking and Health (ASH).

ASH said there is now well-established evidence that vaping is an effective aid to quitting smoking and less harmful than smoking.  Nearly 3 million people in Britain have quit smoking with a vape in the last 5 years, according to ASH.

Businesses need to have a vaping policy for staff

While vaping in public places and work places is not illegal in UK as it is for smoking most businesses and transport providers ban or restrict the practice to protect the health and wellbeing of others. According to solicitors Davidson Morris, employers should update their existing staff policies to ensure their staff understand the rules around vaping. There could either be a separate vaping policy or an addition to an existing policy on smoking.

If companies choose to restrict vaping for staff, visitors or customers enforcing the rules becomes important. Staff at customer-facing businesses like, restaurants, hotels and leisure facilities may be expected to enforce bans on vaping within their venue, for example within guest or changing rooms.

Vaping incidents detected quickly

Vape detectors installed in high-risk areas like bathrooms, changing rooms and secluded locations can help on-site employees better address vaping.  Security or other staff can be notified of suspected vaping incidents via email or text alerts, making it possible to respond quickly if vaping is detected. Additionally, the presence of the devices, combined with signage, could deter vaping within in prohibited areas.

If businesses are intending to install vape detectors there are important issues to consider. Smart sensors that will also detect smoke will avoid the need for multiple devices. The advanced vape detectors use a combination of particulate, gas and other sensors to ensure the accuracy of the devices. But for the sensors to be effective you will need to consider the airflow within a room, the coverage of each device and the presence of factors such as steam or cleaning product fumes which could trigger a false positive.

Vape detectors support vaping restriction rules

By installing effective vape detection businesses can ensure their restrictions are enforced. We have selected the HALO Smart Sensor as the device we install providing vape detection as well as indoor air quality monitoring. Please contact us if you want to find out more.