Encouraging Young Enterprise: Supporting our local schools

Ecl-ips would like to thank Young Enterprise for inviting us to work with them

Young Enterprise Manager, Julia Neale, asked Ecl-ips if we would like to work with them supporting local schools in the Learn to Earn programme.  We jumped at the chance and enjoyed every minute.  It’s a great initiative that encourages children to think about budgeting for their future.  The morning session was very thought provoking for the children and enjoyed by all.

Young Enterprise and Young Money aims to give young people the life skills, knowledge and confidence they need to succeed in the changing world of work. Every year thousands of young people are able to develop their employability and financial literacy skills through its programmes and services. Young Enterprise believes that young people should be given the best chance for a rewarding future in work and life – no matter where they start their journey. It aims to do this by empowering young people to discover, develop and celebrate their skills and potential.

Learn to Earn is a specific programme aimed at older children.


  • Suitable for students aged 15 – 19 year olds
  • Key stages 4 & 5
  • Flexible group sizes
  • 5-6 hours delivery time
  • In-school delivery

Learning outcomes for students

  • Explore personal hopes and dreams for the future
  • Calculate and balance realistic cost of living budgets
  • Consider a wide range of job and career options and how to make informed decisions
  • Access and use labour market information to inform career decisions
  • Understand the benefits of different progression options, including apprenticeships and STEM
  • Understand the skills valued by employers
  • Set SMART goals and plan next steps to achieve these goals
  • Know where to find information and support.

Request Programme Information

Young Enterprise works with a range of corporate partners from a variety of industry sectors who engage their employees through classroom volunteering opportunities, helping students gain skills which are highly sought after in the workplace. If you are interested in supporting them, like Ecl-ips, please get in touch with Anita O’hara.