Server Room Monitoring Audit: Giving you peace of mind

Do you know that your server room monitoring is fit for purpose? If you are unsure contact us for an audit of your equipment.

monitor your server roommonitor your server room

Are you certain that you are monitoring your server room adequately? Or perhaps you want to ensure that your existing monitoring infrastructure is meeting your current needs. Ecl-ips can address any concerns you may have by providing a full environmental and security threat management audit. Our experienced, highly qualified engineers will attend your site to carry out the thorough inspection to ensure that you have the right server room monitoring for your business.

The audit would cover the current condition or your server or communications room and issues such as the temperature and humidity. Our engineers would be looking into issues that you maybe effected by, such as power spikes.

An assessment would be made of the hardware you have installed including switches, servers and storage devices and what the peak electrical load is required by the equipment you have. The engineers would also consider the age and capacity of your existing UPS equipment and whether you have any existing power monitoring and whether this is up to date.

Additionally, the audit would cover whether you have electronic access control to gain entry to the server room and whether you would like a camera in the room to provide a visual monitoring tool.

Following the visit Ecl-ips would provide your business with a full written report which would include a diagram of the room layout; an outline of our findings, supported by photographs and a list of recommendations on where we can see any improvements that can be made.

Our team are then also well-qualified to provide advice on any new equipment or software that might improve your server room monitoring. We are always happy to offer help and advice regarding the upkeep of your comms room and regularly post information on our blog on the culture of common threats to your IT network. If you want to know more about why real-time monitoring is important take a look at the information below.


If your business could benefit from a server room audit then simply contact us and we will be happy to assist.