A National Surveillance Camera Strategy for England and Wales

Providing focus for the UK CCTV industry

CCTV complianceCCTV compliance

The National Surveillance Camera Strategy for England and Wales provides direction and leadership in the surveillance camera community to enable system operators to understand and use best and good practice and be aware of their legal obligations, such as those contained within the legislation set out above and relevant guidance such as the ICO’s CCTV Code of Practice.

In the foreword, Tony Porter Surveillance Camera Commissioner wrote; “From the explosion in the use of surveillance cameras in the 1990’s to the current trends for use of body worn cameras, drone technology and artificial intelligence supporting such cameras this issue still commands significant media focus and attention. The core issue remains – how does society effectively balance the need for security against the rights to privacy?

“Manufacturers and installers need to have clear focus on requirements and best practice for the market in England and Wales. Those operating and using surveillance cameras need to have confidence that the systems they purchase actually meet their requirements. The public need to understand the capability of these cameras and understand their developing technological sophistication – how can society provide informed consent to the use of public space surveillance if they don’t understand what it is capable of doing.”

The National Surveillance Camera Strategy includes long-term objectives which extend beyond 2020 and delivery plans which have been developed for each objective for the first three-year period (2017 – 2020).  The strategy is regarded as a ‘living document’ which will be kept under review and amended as legislation, technology and best and good practice change as well as when practical experience is gained as the strategy is implemented.

It will enable them to apply that understanding to demonstrate compliance with the principles of the SC Code and any other associated guidance. That legislation applies whether the system operator is a relevant authority under a statutory duty to have regard to the SC Code or is free to adopt the SC Code on a voluntary basis.

For more information please click on the pdf below.