IT manager: Want to know more about your CCTV system?

CCTV logbook will help you manage your firm’s CCTV systems

Intelligent CCTVIntelligent CCTV

As an IT manager you will be aware that IP CCTV systems are now part of the IT infrastructure of the organisation.  IT or network managers need to know how the CCTV system fits within the overall IT network so that any issues can be addressed quickly.

Ensuring you keep CCTV devices maintained

If your security or site manager want CCTV images and they can not be retrieved because of the failure of devices the IT team could get the blame for this due to not installing back-up power systems or ensuring switches were maintained. Therefore being able to view the list of cameras and a maintenance log for them and other related devices is invaluable.

CCTV Logbook will provide the key to providing IT departments with information at your fingertips to keep the CCTV system running smoothly. It can provide a central portal that means in large organisations, where more than one person may need CCTV system information, you can have multiple users all working with accurate and consistent data.

The information contained in CCTV Logbook, which means that for each camera, and other devices, you will be able to see their location on your site, details such as the manufacturer, model and serial number and their date of installation will take the stress out of maintaining a CCTV system.

All the information you need in one place

It also provides you with information on the details of the poe switch, switch port connections, cameras and other assets, such as UPS devices. CCTV Logbook also provides a record of work completed such as firmware updates or when cables were changed.

CCTV logbook is therefore an essential tool for the IT team to ensure that the efficiency of your CCTV system is maintained even if the day-today responsibility for the CCTV system may lie elsewhere in your organisation.

You can sign up now for your free trial which will be available in the first quarter of 2020.